菲沙河谷三景點 隆鎮同鄉一日遊

Three more attractions of the Fraser Valley visited in one day – by members from the Zhungshan Lung Jen Benevolent Society. (research & introduction : Stephen Low )

攝影: 李炳楠

前年"菲沙河谷景點多 – 隆鎮同鄉一日遊"遊了四處地方意猶未盡;今年七月19日再遊三个景點, 遇小雨天陰陰却比炎熱天氣舒服.

(一) Westminster Abbey, Mission 米遜市西敏修道院.


Was founded in 1931 by Archbishop William Mark Duke of the Archdiocese of Vancouver. Five monks, including Father Eugene Medved, later Prior and Abbot, were sent from Mount Angel Abbey, Oregon, to British Columbia in 1939 to found a priory and to take over the running of the Seminary of Christ the King, which was then located in Ladner, B.C. The following year, the monks moved their new priory together with the seminary to Burnaby, near Vancouver, B.C., neighbouring New Westminster. It became a conventual (independent) priory in 1948. In 1953 the Holy See raised it to the status of an Abbey. Prior Eugene was elected as the first Abbot of the new abbey.

The same year, construction began on a new abbey, church, and seminary, designed by the Norwegian architect, Asbjørn Gåthe. The new location was on the outskirts of the town of Mission. The monks began to live on this site beginning in 1954; buildings were gradually added, culminating in the abbey church in 1982. The abbey is located on a hill northeast of the town centre, with a commanding view up the Fraser River valley. The abbey currently has around 30 monks.

原自英國西敏寺的教会早在1931年已活躍于美加西岸, 其中在菲沙河谷米遜市山上興建大教堂的在1953年被提升至修道院級. 初時五个僧侶到今天共有三十个傳教士. 教堂内外美觀大方, 也是少有的可以居高臨下 俯瞰河谷兩岸風光的好地方.


(二)  Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery, Abbotsford. 阿柏斯福金宝蜂場酒庄

Mike & Judy Campbell, As co-owners of Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery, operate a diversified 8 acre farm operation, including an apiary, in south west Abbotsford. And offer off-farm honey bee pollination services to local growers and focus on honey and honey wine production.

Their  passion includes bee education and being socially and environmentally responsible. In retirement they wanted to continue to learn and facilitate the learning of others.  Bee educational tours have involved all ages from 3 yrs to seniors up to 100 years old. They also started a junior beekeeper week-long, summer day camp for ages 10-14, 4 years ago. We feel it is critical to encourage future generations to learn about apiculture, one of the many aspects of agriculture.


退休教師和退休公務員夫妻 Mike and Judy (与鄭氏無関)経營蜂場為環保兼教育 社区及下一代.養蜂之外又釀酒.2007年農庄礼品店開幕, 貨物丰富有特色. 最特别是蜂蜜酒 mead. 主要成份蜂蜜, 果樹, 藍莓等全出自該酒庄. 品質上乘, 近年得獎無數。

(三)  Lulu Island Winery, Richmond  列治文鷺島酒庄

Lulu Island Winery is the newest and largest winery in Richmond! It produces many quality wines including red and white table wines, fruit wines, and Canada’s very own icewines.  The new owner John Chang , born in Taiwan, is the founder and wine maker of Lulu Island Winery. John immigrated to Canada in 1995 and started making wine with his wife since 1996. In 2000, he founded the Blossom Winery then started the Lulu Island Winery in 2007.

鷺島酒庄現任庄主來自台湾. 2007年接手經营後加強冰酒出產及中國市場. 酒庄曾是 2010年冬奥在温哥華舉辦期间中國選手及有關人等聚会消闲娛樂之China House中國之家. 現在酒庄没有特别節目稍欠風騷. 假如按原定計劃附設餐館, 既有田園風光又近市區, 誏本地人和遊客多一處品賞美酒美食地方, 將更有吸引力. 以下除註明攝影者外是綱上照片:


After 10 hot days, It rains on our 「day trip to the Fraser valley 」but only in the morning. This is the famous Westminster Abbey in Mission. 早上有雨來到米遜山西敏修道院. -李炳楠攝.


Rolling hills and farm land near the Abbey.


The abbey is located on a hill northeast of the town centre, with a commanding view up the Fraser River valley.


Campbell’s Gold Honey Farm and Meadery, Abbotsford.
阿柏斯福金宝蜂場酒庄. 酒庄禮物店前合照.


Owner/operator giving a quick lesson in bee keeping.
養蜂經驗談. 一年四季皆有教育性講座. —李炳楠攝


Mike the bee keeper and some of the wines they produced. 蜂場主持及酒庄部分產品.


Honey butter looks good.


Honey and honey by-products.


More than just honey and wine.


Last stop already-Lulu Island Winery in Richmond.
一日遊臨近尾声. 回到列治文鷺島酒庄. 更加齊整之大合照.  —李炳楠攝.

