樱花不怕冷 春寒照样开

图/文 刘耀国 (Steve Low)

今天去架空列車市中心Burrard 站看櫻花, 果然賞心悅目. 車站後空地本來要起大厦, 在当年溫哥華市長Art Philips (1973 to 1977任職短短幾年間),堅持把它留作公園, 且遍植花草櫻樹現年80 歲的菲立前市長和夫人前任卑詩財政部長 Carol Taylor 還時常來散步不久此處將命名為 Art Philips 公園.

Cherry in full blossoms regardless of the cold. Today, we are going to the Burrard Skytrain Station, one of the popular place to see the early spring cherry blossoms. As the pictures shown, we are not disappointed. And this year it took in a new meaning: They are going to name the park behind the station Art Philips Park.

Mr. Philips was the former Mayor of Vancouver from 1973 to 1977. He was responsible for have saved this space from the developers. Even today, at the age of 80, he and his wife Carole Taylor, former Minister of  Finance to Gordon Campbell’s cabinet, still come to this park often.


春到人間 Spring comes to downtown – Burrard Skytrain Station.


天女散花Spring is in the air.


鬧市留空间, 溫哥華特色. A little space goes a long way.


下次經過, 需抽空慢慢欣賞. Slow down and take a good look.


攝影家之至愛.A photographer’s paradise.


如此風光如幻如夢. Now we know why this is the popular Chery Blossom watch spot.


來自墨西哥的學生对周圍環境贊不絕口. Students from Mexico liked what they have seen.

