院中方七日 几度夕阳红


这里谈的非高深哲理, 甚至不是对人生有所领悟, 而是一些体会和现象.

生病了要入住医院的人, 或去探病的亲朋戚友, 大多数都没有精神或心情去留意医院设施、员工面貌和周边环境.

四年前因结肠(colon 大肠之一) 发炎入住圣若瑟医院一星期. 最初几天水也不能饮, 日夜吊盐水(实为强力抗生素), 辛苦如大病. 浑浑噩噩过了三、四天, 直至有流质入肚才有点气力, 看到医护人员几乎全部是菲律宾人(笑说以后千万不可得罪菲籍人士), 西人护士绝迹( 其他部门有几位). 到出院前两天才有两位华裔护士小姐, 一在日间一在夜班, 印象深刻.

上月又因回肠(Ileum 小肠之一) 阻塞住院七天. 第一天延至下午才做电脑X光扫瞄, 5 时看报告, 6 时外科医生到达与放射线专家(radiologist) 商量后说最好做切除手术. 我们问可能遇到的困难是什么? 答案和我们上次搜集到的资料相同, 加上梁医生从容不迫, 满有把握之言谈使我们也有了信心. 梁医生本来要放假待产, 她在这里土生土长却能说流利普通话又听得懂粤语.

签了多张文件, 包括同意如有需要时接受输血.(有些信仰是不能接受的). 7 时招集手术小组, 8时开刀. 除麻醉师是西人外, 小组成员全为亚裔. 945分家人接获通知手术完成. 我却几乎醒不过来, 但听到不时有人叫:呼吸呀, 呼吸, 继续呼吸. …

一觉醒来已是次日早上. 伤口开始作痛不敢动. 此时两位护士叫起床去冲凉(用不用那么急呀!), 不久两个物理治疗师又来叫去行走、爬楼梯(痛是很痛, 但此法可减少伤口血凝风险, 亦有助早日复原). 下午营养师司徒小姐来介绍以后六周所能及不能进口的食物. 再有教会女士探访, 粤语谈心, 关医生巡房等等. 还有三餐, 每次热汤半碗. 冻饮不合胃口, 其间不停的抽血, 打针(防血凝固), 量血压, 探热. 食药. 当然要吊盐水,今次是维生素, 否则何来精力应付一天到晚的「病房应酬」 ? 直至晚上八点探病时间完了才有点闲情看看窗外日落. 也看了加人队作客波士顿那两场冰球赛, 看到发火, 血压竞高了40. 住院第三天有粥食了, 第五天开始有饭有甜品, 精神更佳, 楼上楼下乱闯, 上次那两位华裔护士小姐——白衣天使也上班了.


圣若瑟医院入口. Kingsway 转入最方便. Hospital Main Entrance. 


紧急和一日治疗两部门. 后者如照肠, 眼耳喉鼻, , 手足等小手术.


医院新翼.MSJ has a new wing 除一般和长期护理外, 有老人、精神、矫形、乳房、心贜及泌尿等科.


楼下大堂有多棵金钱树, 善长芳名写在树叶上. Donation Trees by the entrance.


其中有香港艺人, 中山侨社, 各界人士之芳名.


四楼也有类似装置. Grateful to individuals, businesses and organization.


香港艺人曾为医院筹款, 这边设有成龙楼. Jackie Chan Wing, 4th. Floor West.


网上CT扫瞄器图片. CT scan and radiologist at work


医院虽旧但保持清洁. Buildings are clean and bright.


床头仪器多已不用, 如探热量血压有流动小车.The rooms are nice too.

白衣天使 Angels in White Dresses

明末清初,西方医学随着英美传教士引入中国. 最早受到映响的是广州, 而中国第一间西式医院博济医院也于1835年在广州市成立. 穿白袍的护士纯洁善良富爱心, 救死扶伤, 好似天上下凡的天使. 故祢之为「白衣天使」. 我们非常高兴在过去的四年认识两位这样的「白衣天使」:

Western medicine was first introduced to China by British and American missionaries at the end of Ming Dynasty. China’s first western style hospital was opened in 1835 in Canton (Guangzhou). Nurses, dressed in white were kind and caring, as if they were angels sent from heaven to help the poor and the sick. Hence the name White-Dr​​ess Angels. We were so happy to have met two of them at MSJ twice in the last 4 years:


温小姐& D. — Happy to see Melody and Michel again.

「白衣天使」之一:温旋律小姐 Melody

活泼友善, 生长于温哥华, 能说流利国粤语, 父母来自印度尼西亚, 护有家族地产生意. 做护士每天工作​​12小时连续两日两夜. 然后休息五天, 方便到地产公司帮忙. 她以天使般心肠对待病人和客人,很难得. 大家请看看她的网页:www.melodyonrealty.com.

“Cheerful, friendly, Melody shared her story with me. Her parents were born in Indonesia but had grown up in China and came to Canada in the early 1980s. Her dad started a custom-cabinet and millwork company which he sold and is now building his first house in the Cambie neighbourhood. Her mom has worked many jobs before. Melody grew up in Vancouver while maintaining her primary languages​​ of Mandarin and Cantonese.She uses her hard work and skills in her two careers. At the hospital, she works 12 hours during the day for 2 days, 12 hours during the night for 2 nights and then has 5 days off. Because of her time off, she also works as a licensed realtor. Check out her website: www.melodyonrealty.com Check it out at: www.melodyonrealty.com.


「白衣天使」之二:林小姐 Michel

身材高大苗条, 行动敏捷做事认真. 工作上的感情和体力等方面的支出比预料中大得多. 她却处之泰然, 真是小点爱心也不成. 我们谈到年轻人的爱情观和婚姻等问题.

Tall and slim, moving fast but attentive to details, speaks fluent Cantonese. Sometimes her job can be very demanding both emotionally and physically, she handled them well. We’ve talk briefly about love and marriage of different generations. What I didn’thave a chance to elaborate was: love and marriage – not necessary in that order.


难得几位华裔护士——白衣天使们同时上班. 这里的护士现在不穿白袍, 也不用衣服颜色来分职位. 穿便服也可以. Nice, helpful and friendly ladies. They can wear any working gowns of any color or no gown at all.


夕阳无限好. 不必为「近黄昏」而惆怅, 应积极地看风景如刘禹锡句: 莫道桑榆晚, 微霞尚满天. Sunset sunrise, just enjoy the movements.


日落之后是日出, 窗外春光明媚. Michel said : live, love, laugh.


并非无聊乱拍. 以下图片是以后六星期早午晚三餐的「样本」. 这是早餐. The following pictures will serve as my sample meals for the next 6 weeks. This is breakfast


这是午餐. 似乎从未食过如此美味的鸡蛋虾仁抄饭. Lunch: egg and shrimp fried rice-never tasted so good before.


晚餐也不错. Dinner: Drum stick with rice.


出院那天的午餐. Lunch again: Fried noodles with mince meat.



圣若瑟医院以前我们称之为唐人医院. 医生和求医者多数是华人. 原来它的前身的确设于唐人街, 主要给华人提供医疗服务. 1921年起由来自满地可的四位修女主持达25年之久. 1946 建成多层医院大楼在现址. 目前有床位240多张. 护理项目应有尽有. 仪器先进, 去年做了6,000 宗手术.

Mount Saint Joseph Hospital opened in Vancouver in 1946, but it really started many years before that with the dream of a young Quebec girl, Délia Tetreault. In 1902, her dream came true when she helped found the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, the first missionary congregation for women in Canada.

In 1921 four Sisters moved to a home on Keefer Street in Vancouver, where they provided health and education services primarily to the Asian community. By the time the Sisters marked the 25-year anniversary of their arrival in Vancouver, their work had outgrown three buildings and in 1946 Mount Saint Joseph Hospital was opened.

Today, Mount Saint Joseph Hospital is a 240-bed acute and extended care facility with an international reputation for excellence in providing for the needs of multi-faith and multi-ethnic communities.


除温哥华中央医院外, 温市多间医院皆由该组织统一管理.

Providence Health Care was formed through the consolidation of CHARA Health Care Society, Holy Family Hospital and St. Paul’s Hospital on April 1st, 1997. Providence Health Care became a single legal entity on March 31st, 2000, providing health care services on eight sites in Vancouver, BC.

织锦基金 Tapestry Foundation .

意指齐心合力编织美好将来. 专为名下医院筹款.  Tapestry Foundation for Health Care raises funds for seven hospitals and residences operated by Providence Health Care.

电恼X-光扫瞄器 CT scanner.

能把人体像切面包那样取得横断面影像. 适用于照内脏; 普通x-光机只能以透视式看到变形的骨胳或表层器官. 也用于海关保安.

CT or CAT scans are special x-ray tests that produce cross-sectional images of the body using x-rays and a computer. These images allow the radiologist, a medical doctor who specializes in images of the body, to look at the inside of the body just as you would look at the inside of a loaf of bread by slicing it. This type of special x-ray, in a sense, takes “pictures” of slices of the body so doctors can look right at the area of​​ interest . CT scans are frequently used to evaluate the brain, neck, spine, chest, abdomen, pelvis, and sinuses.

2个评论在“院中方七日 几度夕阳红

  • 2011-07-13 at 19:32


  • 2011-07-13 at 16:58



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